This weekend we head into the city for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon. It's goal is to provide a check in for our marathon training. It is insane to think last September I'd run a half marathon, now a half marathon is just a "check in" point on my MARATHON training schedule. Things have been going pretty well, minus the heat. It was not this hard to run in the heat last summer, but last summer was not this hot. I am so looking forward to fall running again.
Then I get this email....about race day survival and how hot it is going to be!!! I'm already upping my water intake today, tomorrow, and Saturday. I'm going to try to enjoy this experience by remaining calm. I tend to get a bit wound up when it comes to races like this!!! I over think everything!!!!
None the less I'm very excited to head to the city to do some running! #MAKEITCOUNT
On to some Chicago Cubs news....they are finally winning again.... 14 of the last 19...that makes me smile!!!
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